Carbon Dioxide CO2 Properties

Molecular Weight
  • Molecular weigh of CO2: 44.01 g/mol
  • Molecular weight of H2O: 18.02 g/mol
  • Molecular weight of Sea Water: 17.387 g/mol (????)
Solid phase
  • Latent heat of fusion (1,013 bar, at triple point) : 196.104 kJ/kg
  • Solid density: 1562 kg/m3
Liquid phase
  • Liquid density (at -20 °C (or -4 °F) and 19.7 bar): 1032 kg/m3
  • Liquid/gas equivalent (1.013 bar and 15 °C (per kg of solid)) : 845 vol/vol
  • Boiling point (Sublimation) : -78.5 °C
  • Latent heat of vaporization (1.013 bar at boiling point) : 571.08 kJ/kg
  • Vapor pressure (at 20 °C or 68 °F) : 58.5 bar

CO2 Molar Mass:
44.010 g/mol

CO2 Density:
1.562 g/mL (solid at 1 atm and −78.5 °C)
0.770 g/mL (liquid at 56 atm and 20 °C)
1.977 g/L (gas at 1 atm and 0 °C)
849.6 g/L (supercritical fluid at 150 atm and 30 °C

Melting Point:
-78 °C, 194.7 K, -109 °F (subl.)

Boiling Point:
-57 °C, 216.6 K, -70 °F (at 5.185 bar)
CO2 Molar Mass:44.010 g/mol

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